Happy {belated} National Daughter Day, Perky friend!
Daughters, motherhood and coffee….
…I mean, really.
That right there pretty much sums up what life looks like for me.
Add in 2 dogs and a great husband.
And there you go. #MaruxasLife
I am late to the National Daughter Day party because I didn’t know there was such a thing until around 6 am this morning when I saw dear friends loving on their daughters for this special day on Facebook.
I decided then to scrap what I planned to share and share with you a bit of my heart.
These three right here.

You see, when I first started thinking about the idea of growing Perky Perky, I had just gotten out of a pretty deep depression that I didn’t even know I was in.
In 2014, Selah, the baby of the bunch, was just born when good friends came to me with lots of love to tell me that what they were seeing in me, WASN’T ACTUALLY ME.
I went from loving life and being bubbly…to crying at the drop of the hat.
…from enjoying feeling “pretty” and dressing up…to living in my yoga pants with dirty hair and spit up t-shirts.
…They heard me say things like, “I am JUST a mom. I can’t actually build a big company. I have no time.”
…From being soooo grateful that after 3.5 years of infertility I went from being a mom of One to a mom of Three…to being incredibly resentful that I chose to have children in the first place.
And thankfully, they called me out.
They knew I truly loved being a mother AND I loved the challenge of growing businesses…
And yet, somewhere in the middle…
…I felt like I lost myself into motherhood.
They believed in me when I couldn’t.
Perky Perky was born out of a year of re-connecting back to myself.
I committed my mornings to me.
- Wake up at 5:30 even though it initially felt like HELL to do this
- Brew a great cup of coffee
- Find a verse or quote and journaled on what was coming up for me
- Spend at least 10 minutes in meditation
My friend, after doing this again and again…
I remembered who I was, again.
I remembered and missed her.
I started to show up again for my daughters and my husband.
…and when I was ready to consider building another company and was asked what would I consider growing…
I knew I needed to build something that empowered women going through big life changes to take each day and do it powerfully.
Because my morning coffee and meditation time was my morning ritual (and because I know how we LOVE, errrr, NEED our coffee when we wake up), I wanted to empower other women from the first cup in the morning and onward throughout their day!
Coffee saved my life. It saved our family.
These daughters of mine. This company and its growth…It’s dedicated to them.
If I can show them what they can do as the young girls and women they will become one day…I did my job on this planet.
If I can inspire other men and women to be role models for their girls…I did my job on this planet.
In fact, Maya, my oldest, started her first business at the age of 7 and at age 11 is creating her 3rd entrepreneurial endeavor in the jewelry space. Isabella, she wants to organize EVERYONE’S things. I told her I’d be her first client! 😀
You may want to check out this podcast interview I recently did with the incredible Maria Fuller of Raising a Powerful Girl (I’ve embedded it below, but head to her site to get access to all the resources we talk about as well.)
I would love for you to listen in as we talk about motherhood, daughter-hood and raising our kiddos with entrepreneurialism.
I give a ton of resources to you during this episode to support both you and your child, if creating a business is something of interest to you!
Enjoy and again, Happy National Daughters Day!
Do today powerfully,
Your Perky Perky chica
P.S. Today’s roast on tap: I’ve blended Wakey Wakey (our extra caffeinated roast) with Delicious (our medium roast) and drinking it black. #Happiness
P.P.S. If you haven’t yet tried MIXING our roasts, it’s worth a try! It creates a fun unique flavor that you don’t get when you’re just using one roast! Plus you do get free shipping when you buy at least 2 full-sized bags of coffee, so go for it and have fun trying something new!