Happy National Irish Coffee Day, Perkies!
As someone who loves an Irish fellow (hence, my last name is Murphy) – trying to figure out a good Irish Coffee was a MUST to bring our passions for coffee and whiskey together.
I’ve pulled together a few recipes of Irish Coffees we’ve tried and/or are on the list of recipes to try out!
Pick whichever one feels the best for you to try out to celebrate this incredibly fun and special day of the year.
Irish Coffee with Bailey’s Irish Cream and Kahlua: Ummm, just yes. This one is easy and to the point because of the Bailey’s Irish Cream and Kailua can easily be picked up and added to a cup of your hot coffee. Simple and easy. Top with whipped cream and ta-da! You’re done. Check out the actual recipe right here
An “Original” Irish Coffee: This recipe is the basic Irish Coffee and you can see it’s just as easy to add Perky Perky to this one as it would be to buy the Kailua and Bailey’s. It has more bite to it (depending on which Irish whiskey you’d like to add to it) but we like this original recipe very much!
We call the next one The “Fancy Irish”, though it isn’t actually called anything but Irish Coffee. Basically, it has more steps and it’s a bit more time consuming, but holy cow…. this drink is delicious! When you have time to make a fantastic drink, check out the “Fancy Irish” with the Perky Perky Delicious roast. Incredible!
Again, Happy National Irish Coffee Day to you! May your roast be blessed and your moments be filled with love and life! Sláinte!