Happy Labor Day weekend!
You know something? I was about to hit ENTER yesterday to host a Labor Day Weekend Sale, and something stopped me. I knew exactly what it was.
Just 8 some odd years ago, I moved to Houston and lived there for about 2.5 years. It was my first entry into the Texan culture, food, and hospitality of this great state. My first friends-turned-family live there and I started my first successful company right there in that great city.

Some of the amazing women I got to know when living in Houston!
When Hurricane Harvey hit last week, Dennis and I started to text, check in on and call our friends in Houston…and we found many of them had homes they had to evacuate.
I thought about the men, women and the children who’ve had to stop their lives to survive… and hope they had a home to come back to.
As the waters are starting to subside, it’s becoming clearer that many are displaced…and while they have tons of clothes and food being given, I started to wonder about something often hidden from public conversation, but so incredibly important for girls and women to get back to the daily life without feeling embarrassed or needing to stay home during that “time of the month”.
While they’re being fed and cared for with clothing and temporary housing, what about caring for their hygiene during that time of the month. Periods just don’t stop when natural disasters come through towns, right?
Because of this I decided that Perky Perky will partner with Support The Girls, a non-profit that have affiliates on the ground in Austin, San Antonio and Houston to provide feminine hygiene products and bras to evacuees affected by Hurricane Harvey.
Sooooo, instead of a typical Labor Day Sale, we’ll be giving $5 per every bag of coffee purchased on PerkyPerky.com to Support The Girls to distribute pads, tampons and bras to our sisters in Houston right now.
Buy a bag (or two! Every order over $30 gets free shipping as well) today and support the girls and women impacted by Hurricane Harvey to get what they need to feel good and empowered to start this next chapter in their lives! Share this with your community too.
Use #ShareThePeriod on FB or Instagram and follow it because I’ll post updates on how we’re able to take your $5 per bag and buy products for the women and girls this week.
Keep on keeping on, Perkies! So honored to have you in our community.
With love and a cup of coffee in hand,
Maruxa Murphy