I’m sitting here today on the beach in Costa Rica drinking coffee and thinking of you. I was inspired to write to you today because honestly, we are on our final day of vacation and I realized something that may be clear to you but honestly wasn’t very clear to me until a couple days ago. I need to invite you into this thought I had because it could mean life as you know it can… and likely will… get even better.
For the longest time, I found myself doing “all the things” like scheduling out my life like crazy so that downtime meant I was heading to bed for the night. I mean, what does a girl with 3 kids, works full-time and runs a coffee brand like Perky Perky have to do to make it all work?
Never sit down.
So, that’s been my mindset for a very long time. When I think about conversations with a lot of my friends, I realize it’s not just a ME thing, it’s how most of us do life.
- Kids schedules.
- Work schedules.
- Me schedules.
- Date nights.
- Clean the house.
- Doctors appointments.
- Add in a vacation.
- Visit the in-laws.
- Go to the grocery store.
What else would you add to this list?
Basically, if I’m honest with myself, the main question I’d ask myself was, “How much can I cram into a day to get it done so that I can check off all the boxes?” Once the boxes were checked off, then I went to bed to do it all over again.
Does that sound familiar?
Friend, I’m not sure the running around the kids, the grocery store, the office, the school PTA, the bus line, the (fill-in-the-blank) is worth “it”.
What is “it”?
Not talking about the creepy clown and scary movie coming out again (WHY does it have to come out again, though?!?!)
I’m talking about the feeling BUSY type of “it”.
I came to a realization during my morning meditation a couple days ago that all the doing doesn’t actually create more joy and happiness in my life.
What creates more happiness is a mindset shift that I need to actually remember.
“Lean in to what aligns with your values, and let out what doesn’t.”
That’s IT.
If I can encourage you to start your morning with coffee and meditation, as I love encouraging you to do each and every day, try getting clear on the values that make you come alive and remove the things in your life that don’t.
When I look at my to-do list that has me going from 5:30 am through midnight, I can easily cut out or focus my time by 50%, which means more sleep, more quality time with those I love and less time in unnecessary meetings (stop the torture!) and in the car going to the grocery store (Thank you grocery delivery services!) By the way, these are just my easy-off-the-top-of-my-head examples.
That list will look and feel different for you. What I realize though is that while I also may be “busy” by others’ viewpoint, if I am doing things that feel good to me, it doesn’t feel like work. If what I commit my time to aligns with my values, I want to give time to it and it feels easy and fun.

Leaning in means getting into new adventures for us! Here we are about to zipline from 4100 feet in Costa Rica! Woo hoo!
This Costa Rican vacation has done numbers for me and I’m grateful to have had this time to get out of my way and put that busyness I’ve been living in and feeling for awhile in perspective.
“Lean in to what aligns with my values, and let out what doesn’t.”
I think this will be my mantra each day as I prep for how to show up. I hope it can support you too.
Let me know if you have questions about this or want so more clarity! I’d love to help you create more of what you want each day!
With love and a cup of coffee,
Maruxa Murphy
Founder/Chief Ignitor – Perky Perky
P.S. If you liked the insights above and are interested in having more powerful convos around stepping into your power – come and join us at #AroundTheCup, a Facebook group aimed to connect your life journey and this conversation with other women (and the awesome men who love us!) through regularly scheduled FB live video events along with local and virtual meet ups with best selling authors, life and business coaches, and other brilliant people!
Join us over there! I’m excited to get to know you better!